One factor that seems to reappear is finding balance in GTA 5, it seems that most of us agree the PS3 and Xbox 360 are more than capable of achieving more than we need in the next Grand Theft Auto game, although there is one thing stopping all the features we want being added, and this is time.
Development for GTA IV is said to have started in 2004, although the game didn’t release until 2008. While we don’t know the extent of work carried out over those 4 years, you can count on that time helping the game be much more than an annual release, seen in many franchises these days.
So what can we expect with GTA 5 and the development time? It has been confirmed that development is well under way, and we’ve all seen the trailer that showed us a few things and opened many questions like the chance of mini games.
We expect the development time to be much shorter for this game, although how much should Rockstar balance the time spent on development for fine details, which includes getting the large map inline with real world alleys and streets it portrays, and the wanted finer features like more houses to enter and smaller items you can interact with in-game?
While we hate going back to Skyrim, you’ve got to admire the little things found in that game. Whether you find food ingredients pointless in Skyrim or not, you got to love it for just being there allowing you to cook, and lessons can be learned here for Grand Theft Auto V.
We love the little things, although what fine details do you think need to be added to the next GTA V game? Would you wait longer to get more features and little things that make the game more lifelike? This could be the ability to enhance autos by adding rims, audio and upgrading the engine to making the GTA 5 world more open to interaction.
It’s not what is possible but more about development time available, and the fine details that should be included and those that cannot thanks to the lack of time.
hi i am wazeer khan and gta 5 is good game
ОтветитьУдалитьI Think Rock Star Already Knows that we all want Phat Rims, Sick Paint Jobs, Loud systems, Fast Cars, And Entry in like all house's. But Let's Have it where you can actually carry different type's of drugs and either consume or sell for profit (or get busted by an undercover. Street level then move to Noriega status. Just a thought). Actually Own a Business where you can interact with the people and could possibly go out of business if you don't manage it properly with staff and shit. Make it where you can get a job at Burger shot. Make Money Harder to get. Actually steal people's wallet's ad sell the contents (like the social security to illegal immigrants). We Need a Game with balls. GTA 3 Was the most controversial game of it's time let's make GTA 5 that way. TAKE AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED.
ОтветитьУдалитьAvid GTA Fan, Jonathan kinckiner